Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Where does it stop?

If you are good Capacity Planner looking after servers you may at some point get side swiped by another domain. Several times I have been invited into a meeting just to take abuse about lack of Data Centre Rack Space or SAN disk space, or lack of Software Licenses. People perceive these as Capacity issues and rightly so.

Surprise! Everything need Capacity Planning, including staffing, buildings, and even parking spaces.

So stake a spot, claim it, do it well and shrug responsibility for the others or become a generalist across all the domains and own that. What ever you do, your goal is to ensure there are no surprises for the Executive. Document it , circulate and escalate when there are issues. Ignoring a problem won't make it go away, it will just get outsourced instead.


Scott Wardley

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