Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Company - the mirror

A new site for a Capacity Planner is like going to a shopping mall. There are lots of areas of interest and just not enough time to see them all.  Like any good shopper, we look in the mirror figure out what doesn't look right and try to find something to fix it.

For me the one closest mirror is the one showing Server Metrics. After a quick look around I like to visit the Data Centre Inventory which tell just how long the current wardrobe has been around. A solid hardware  refresh policy will show when there are only a few items more than 6 years old. This is infrequently the case as most people have been driving value over the last 2 years of economic uncertainty.

Since the first quick looks in the mirror was a concern to us, we next check our wallet to see just what we can afford to fix. The keeper of the wallet is Finance. And they will be quick to tell you that there is no money and if you need any then you need to take it from your existing spending.

With a dire problem and no money we have to do what most people do and cut the Cable TV feed and save the monthly money until we can buy a new TV and only then turn the cable back on. First port of call is the vendor list and an audit will soon show opportunities.

If procurement is up for the challenge and we can drop some licensing spend we now have some hardware refresh money or some funds for proper reporting tools. These will allow you to the show  just where to spend instead of wasting your saved pennies on the fancy outfits your flashy loud talking  friends say you need.

Next time....lets talk about tools.


Scott Wardley


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